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World Business Press Online World Business Press Online

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Preview: Upward Revision To UK Q1 GDP By Vladimir Harman - Jun 29, 2015

The latest official estimate of the UK's economic performance in the first quarter showed quarterly growth decelerated by as much as half, from 0.6% down to 0.3%. The primary reasons for such a sudden...

BoE Reform Casts Light Into The Darkness By Vladimir Harman - Jun 15, 2015

The changes prepared at the Bank of England will change the way markets react to the institution's data, as Governor Carney's clearer communication strategy will now send an avalanche of data tumbling...

UK CPI Preview: Slow Rebound Expected By Vladimir Harman - Jun 15, 2015

The UK is likely to avoid remaining in deflationary territory in May as one-off seasonal effects dissipated and prices of crude oil and petrol continued to rise. This should more likely than not lead...

UK CPI Preview: Deflation Spiral Unlikely By Vladimir Harman - May 18, 2015

Even if the consumer price index turns slightly negative in April, the UK is unlikely to experience a prolonged deflationary spiral.How likely is it that the annual rate of UK CPI fell into deflation...

BoE Preview: Waiting For Godot at MPC By Vladimir Harman - Apr 22, 2015

Market participants continue to push back their interest-rate hike expectations, despite the UK's economic growth reaching pre-crisis levels last year, and the jobless rate falling in February to its...

Preview: UK Inflation to Flirt With Zero By Vladimir Harman - Mar 23, 2015

UK inflation is expected to decelerate further in February, as downside inflationary pressures in the medium-term intensified on stronger sterling against the euro.Inflation in the UK has been slowing...

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