How does Dingdong's Stock-Based Comp benchmark against competitors?
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We've identified the following companies as similar to Dingdong ADR because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.
Net Income to Common Excl Extra Items - Represents the net income or loss available to common stockholders and is arrived after adjusting preferred stock dividends and other adjustments to net income to stockholders (cont. ops).
Total Current Liabilities - The sum of all liabilities classified as current for having maturities of less than one year.
Right-of-Use Assets - The value of right of use (ROU) assets listed on the company's balance sheet. Also listed as operating lease assets by some companies.
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Total Stock-Based Compensation is a supplemental line item with the following components: Stock-Based Comp., COGS (Total), Stock-Based Comp., R&D Exp....
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