How does Sh E & C's Capital Expenditures benchmark against competitors?
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We've identified the following companies as similar to Sh E & C because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.
Inventory Long-Term - This item represents the non-current inventories of the motion picture film industry comprising of certain capitalized costs incurred for the acquisition and production of entertainment properties.
Other Operating Activities - This item represents all other operating cash flows, not included in any specific data item.
Machinery - This item represents the Assets of a durable nature held by the company, at their gross values, which are to be used in the production or sale of goods, sale of other goods or rendering of services rather than being held for sale. This is the residual item consisting of all the types of fixed assets not classifiable as either Land or Building.
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The overall change in capital expenditures and sales of plant, property and equipment. This field is used if a company does not report separately sale...
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