The following section summarizes insights on Amer Sports, Inc.'s Market Cap (Adjusted):
March 26, 2025: -
Performance Summary
Amer Sports's market cap (adjusted) is 14.79 billion
How does Amer Sports's Market Cap (Adjusted) benchmark against competitors?
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We've identified the following companies as similar to Amer Sports, Inc. because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.
Metrics similar to Market Cap (Adjusted) in the popular category include:
EV/Fwd EBIT - Measures the dollars in Enterprise Value for each dollar of EBIT projected to be earned over the next twelve months.
Damodaran's Industry Cost of Equity - A general benchmark for the cost of equity in an industry based on research by Professor Damodaran at New York University, Stern.
Market Cap / Fwd FFO - Indicates the multiple of projected funds from operations (FFO) that stock investors are willing to pay for one share of the firm.
EV / Free Cash Flow - Measures the dollars in Enterprise Value for each dollar of free cash flow over the last twelve months.
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Measures a public company's total equity value as implied by the stock's last observed trading price. The calculation adjusts for limited partner shar...
Definition of Market Cap (Adjusted)
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Measures a public company's total equity value as implied by the stock's last observed trading price. The calculation adjusts for limited partner shares when applicable.
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