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We've identified the following companies as similar to Deoleo because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.
To view the full list of supported financial metrics please see Complete Metrics Listing.
Metrics similar to Return on Common Equity in the popular category include:
A ratio used to measure the return that a firm generates on the book value of common equity.
The chart above depicts the distribution of Return on Common Equity for companies operating in the Consumer Staples Sector in the Developed economic region. Over 970 companies were considered in this analysis, and 939 had meaningful values. The average Return on Common Equity of companies in the Sector is -10.5% with a standard deviation of 57.8%. Please note that Sector and Industry values may differ from other sources, as no adjustments have been made.
Deoleo's Return on Common Equity of -12.6% ranks in the 19.7% percentile for the Sector. The following table provides additional summary stats:
Economic Risk Region | Developed |
Total Constituents | 979 |
Included Constituents | 939 |
Min | -413.9% |
Max | 45.6% |
Median | 6.0% |
Mean | -10.5% |
Standard Deviation | 57.8% |
You can find companies with similar Return on Common Equity using this stock screener.