Metrics similar to Owner Earnings in the popular category include:
Net Income to Common, Adjusted - This item represents the net Income available to common shareholders of the company adjusted for unusual Items.
Balance Sheet Restatement Type - This item represents whether the balance sheet data presented is based on the original or restated filing
Policy Benefits - This item represents the benefits/dividends paid or payable to policyholders including Life, Accident & Health, Property & Casualty and Annuity policyholders.
Accrued Interest Receivable - This item represents interest accrued (i.e. earned but not yet due) on loans, securities, certificates of deposit, or other investments. This item is available only in Banks and Thrifts.
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A measure of free cash flow made famous by Warren Buffett when he wrote about it in Berkshire Hathaway's annual report in 1986. Mr. Buffett stated tha...
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