Metrics similar to Current Portion of LT Debt & Capital Leases in the popular category include:
Accounts Payable - Amounts payable to vendors extended as a line of credit for normal business purchases.
Assets of Discontinued Operations, Long-term - The aggregate value of non-current assets from business segments that a company has disposed of or wants to dispose of in the near future.
Retained Earnings - Profits reinvested in the corporation after dividends have been paid out.
Goodwill - This item represents the excess of purchase price paid over the fair market value of net assets acquired, net of any write downs for impairment in value. Goodwill is now no longer amortized over an estimated useful life as was being done earlier (prior to SFAS 142). Instead the balance of goodwill has to be assessed at every reporting period and a write down for impairment has to be recognized when determined. The assessment for impairment is done by applying a fair value based test.
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The portion of long term debt and capital leases which is due in the upcoming year.
Definition of Current Portion of LT Debt & Capital Leases
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