The chart above depicts the distribution of Float Shares / Outstanding for companies operating in the Industrials Sector in the Developing economic region. Over 3,680 companies were considered in this analysis, and 3,534 had meaningful values. The average Float Shares / Outstanding of companies in the Sector is 40.7% with a standard deviation of 18.1%. Please note that Sector and Industry values may differ from other sources, as no adjustments have been made.
Unimech Aerospace and Manufacturing Ltd's Float Shares / Outstanding of 20.2% ranks in the 10.9% percentile for the Sector. The following table provides additional summary stats:
Float Shares / Outstanding In The Industrials SectorEconomic Risk Region | Developing |
Total Constituents | 3,682 |
Included Constituents | 3,534 |
Min | 7.8% |
Max | 89.9% |
Median | 37.8% |
Mean | 40.7% |
Standard Deviation | 18.1% |
You can find companies with similar Float Shares / Outstanding using this stock screener.