Metrics similar to PEGY Ratio in the valuation category include:
EV / EBITA - Measures the dollars in Enterprise Value for each dollar of EBITA over the last twelve months.
Buyback Yield - A ratio that measures the difference between the amount of share repurchases and the amount of share issuances over the trailing twelve months divided by the company's market capitalization.
Total Capital (Market Value) - Total Capital (Market Value) is a supplemental line item with the following components: Total Preferred Equity, Total Debt, Market Value of Total Common Equity, and Minority Interest, Total (Incl. Fin. Div).
Fwd EBIT Yield - Compares the earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) to the market's valuation of the entire business, including debt and equity.
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A heuristic used to measure the level of earnings growth and dividend yield reflected in a stock's market price.
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