Price-to-Earnings ratio, P/E Multiple, or P/E Ratio is valuation multiple that is defined as:
P/E Ratio = Market Capitalization / Net Income
or, using per-share numbers:
P/E Ratio = Stock Price / Earnings Per Share (EPS)
P/E Ratio indicates the multiple of earnings investors are willing to pay for one share of the company. PE Multiples are widely used in practice even though they have significant pitfalls.
Since Earnings Per Share (EPS), defined as Net Income / Shares Outstanding, uses a Net Income in the calculation, P/E multiples are not always reliable for benchmarking companies with negative earnings or debt.
One reason why P/E ratios can be unreliable is because the ratio assumes a company’s equity has
value. In practice, a company’s total Firm Value
may be less than the debt on its Balance Sheet,
with no value allocatable to the common equity.
P/E ratios also do not adjust for differences in capital
structure between companies. P/E conundrum by Khan Academy does a great job of explaining these pitfalls.
Read more about net income to common excl extra items and market cap
Click the link below to download a spreadsheet with an example P/E Ratio calculation for NSEI:AIFL below: