Metrics similar to Current Portion of LT Debt & Capital Leases in the popular category include:
Minority Interest in Earnings - The reporting company's share of ownership in another company by including income or loss of the company as a portion of Net Income.
Current Income Taxes Payable - This item represents the accrued portion of Income taxes levied on the Corporate Income. If Income Taxes are combined with any other taxes or any other liabilities, where income taxes appear as first string and the company does not report the break up for the same, then the same will form part of this data item only.
Total Dividends Paid (Ex Special Dividends) - This item represents cash outflows towards dividends or distributions, either to common or preferred stockholders during the relevant period. The amount paid may relate to the pending dividend of earlier period also.
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The portion of long term debt and capital leases which is due in the upcoming year.
Definition of Current Portion of LT Debt & Capital Leases
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