Metrics similar to Common Equity in the popular category include:
Invest. In Marketable & Equity Securities - This item represents cash flows towards purchase or sale of all investments made by the company whether such investments are short-term or long-term, accounted under equity or cost method, available-for-sale or held-to-maturity.
Ending Cash (CF) - This item represents cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the period.
Goodwill - This item represents the excess of purchase price paid over the fair market value of net assets acquired, net of any write downs for impairment in value. Goodwill is now no longer amortized over an estimated useful life as was being done earlier (prior to SFAS 142). Instead the balance of goodwill has to be assessed at every reporting period and a write down for impairment has to be recognized when determined. The assessment for impairment is done by applying a fair value based test.
Operating Income - Financial metric that measures the profitability of a company's core business operations
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