Metrics similar to Restructuring Charges in the financials category include:
Real Estate Owned - Real estate and other properties reported separately from other plant, property and equipment fields.
Unfunded Vested Pension Liabilities - This item represents the total projected benefits, vested and non-vested payable by an employer to an employee in respect of defined benefit pension plans (Both Domestic and Foreign Plans).
Advertising Expense - This item represents expenditure incurred towards advertising, marketing, promotional and publicity. This data item is extracted for 10Ks only.
EBT Excl. Unusual Items - This item represents EBT Before Non Recurring Items and is arrived at after adjusting, the following, to Operating Profit (OPIN): 1. Interest Expense, Total and 2. Total Non Operating Income/(Expenses) (NOIET).
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Expenses incurred from reorganizing a company's internal operational architecture or debt structure.
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