How does Xtrackers DAX UCITS ETF 1C's Market Cap benchmark against competitors?
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We've identified the following companies as similar to Xtrackers DAX UCITS 1C because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.
Xtrackers DAX UCITS ETF 1C's Market Cap Benchmarks
Metrics similar to Market Cap in the valuation category include:
Price / Sales Growth Ratio - A heuristic used to measure the level of revenue growth relative to the Price / Sales multiple.
Ben Graham Formula Value - The Ben Graham Formula Value estimates a stock's intrinsic value based on a formula inspired by investor and professor, Benjamin Graham.
Ben Graham Formula Upside - The percentage increase (if positive) or decrease (if negative) an investor can expect over the current stock price based on the Ben Graham Formula Value. The Ben Graham Formula Value estimates a stock's intrinsic value based on a formula inspired by investor and professor, Benjamin Graham.
Measures a public company's total equity value as implied by the stock's last observed trading price. In the case of cryptocurrencies, it measure the ...
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