Metrics similar to Common Equity in the popular category include:
Income from Equity Method Investments - This item represents the investing company's share of earnings/loss from affiliates, unconsolidated subsidiaries, partnerships, joint ventures and any other investments, which are accounted for under the Equity method.
Shares per Depository Receipt - ADR/GDR ratio for all companies that are deemed the ADR/GDR security as company primary (all non-primary ADR/GDR companies will be given a value = 1)
Deferred Policy Acq. Costs - This item represents the portion of policy acquisition costs deferred by the company. Expenses incurred on soliciting and acquiring new business is capitalized and amortized over the period of the policies. The amount charged to revenue each year is in the same proportion that annual premium received on a policy bears to the total premium receivable under that policy.
Short-Term Debt Repaid - This item represents cash outflows on account of repayment of short-term debt.
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