Metrics similar to Revenue in the popular category include:
Assets on Oper. Lease, Accum. Depr. - This item represents the closing i.e. year-end accumulated balances of amounts provided as depreciation over the life of the assets given by the company on operating leases to others, till the end of the current year.
Gains (Loss) on Currency Exchange - This item represents any gain (loss) that arises on exchanging one currency for another. Includes foreign currency fluctuation gains and losses; gain or (loss) from foreign currency forward contracts; gain or (loss) arising from translation of assets and liabilities; and denominated in foreign currencies to reporting currency
Other Receivables - This item represents all amounts receivable by the company in the form of cash other than those classified as accounts receivable or notes receivable.
Impairment of Goodwill - A charge off occurring when the carrying value of goodwill is less than its market value. When this happens the goodwill is written off so that its carrying value matches up with its market value.
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The revenue metric captures the total income generated by a company from its core operational activities
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